Saturday, May 7, 2016

I really really wish I wasn't just wandering around with no clue.  If I had a clue, things might be easier.  But I have no idea. It's like I'm supposed to know what I want.  And I don't know.  I want some little things, security, not to be homeless, happiness.  I thought this was a good idea, but I have no idea where to go from here.  What do I do?
So protip from a life-long wanderer;  Don't squander today.  Get help if you feel you are drowning.  The anxiety is hard.  The anxiety from exposure is even tougher to push past. Please, find someone who can hold your hand while you take the next step.  Someone will.  All it takes is one person.  Even just saying they will.
If I could imagine telling someone that a good reason to not date me, if I were dating, it would be that I have no direction. It's as if I'm just treading water, infinitely.  People pass me by, I smile, I'm nice, I help when I can.  But really, it's all going nowhere.  And for what?  I am just putting one foot in front of the other.

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