Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Filling out apps, pretending to be excited about each and every single position I'm applying for. Knowing full well that I'm going to be at this job for maybe 1 year or 2.  The process is tiring.  I'll be honest, I miss the temp job places.  Where they don't care about your attitude, whether you're busting at the seams to be there or not.  You just show up and they shuffle you off to some drudgery work and you get it done and money is loaded onto your card.  
I'm tired of pretending I'm more invested emotionally, physically, mentally than the owner of the company.  I'm tired of trying to find positions that match with my unique sets of skills and work experience, because nobody gives a shit unless you have specialized yourself in whatever position they have opened.
There is fear on the side of the business owner/manager because they have to invest money in hiring a person, more than they will recoup in that time.  I get the hype.  
Frankly, the hoops are tiring.  My attitude is spent.  Shitty supervisors are getting more common, or maybe I am just more wise.
Twenty years ago, people called me a rug, I let people walk all over me.  Now I'm told I have attitude. 
Yeah, I have attitude.  I got tired of the game, the bullshit, the frustration of my life. Coupled with having to do jobs that are crap.  People say find your passion and you will never work a day in your life. My passion is observation.  Light interaction.  Guess you could say my passion is merely bullshit.  Now I'm getting too old to go back and try to figure out how to make a career built on bullshit work.  
My last job, I'll be honest, I did have the balls nor the interest to do.  I felt I was doing the business owner a dis-service by being there.  Granted, the job had other issues, but quite frankly, I just don't want to put up with bullshit.  I like a certain type of bullshit.  

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