Wednesday, July 11, 2012

day 2 of being unemployed:

woke, showered, went to Habitat for Humanity and did some hard, sweaty, hot, volunteer work.  It was good.

Volunteer work is good for the soul, good for the environment, and keeps me happy.

Went online to check workforce website.  Found a few jobs to apply for.

An insurance claims adjuster, this employer wants me to give my soc. sec. number upfront so they can do an immediate background check.  No dinner, no flirting, they just expect us to give it up without even assuring us that this is their real, actual website for their company.

Employers don't want to be bothered with potential job seekers anymore.  They want everyone to apply online, then they will choose from the pool they receive.  Every now and then, we are lucky enough to get an application to turn in.

I can see in a crowded town, how this would ease up some time, yet, it leaves me feeling as if I'm going to left out because I don't have the right font on my resume.  I don't get a chance to schmooze the hiring manager.  Or at least make human contact.  They all want it submitted online.  These online applications can sometimes be upto 30 pages long.

When I first moved here, I thought I would apply at some restaurants, tips and all that.  Took in the filled out application, got an interview with the hiring manager who just happened to be there.  He looks at me and says, You don't have any experience as a server.  Really?

Do you have any idea how many restaurants have turned me down?  They say it's because I don't have enough experience.  Peggy seems to think it's because of I don't have the body of a college student.  Probably.

Tomorrow's plan:  Touch base with temp agencies again.  Hand in updated resume.  Find out where radio stations are and apply there.  Finish online application for state jobs.

Heard on the radio that the CIA is hiring.  hmmm  ...  going to have to check that out.

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