Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Searching, researching, revising, desperately seeking a job.  It's been a disaster, and still I must smile, have a positive attitude, and carry on as if my world isn't about to fit into a cardboard box in an alley somewhere, saved only by the good graces of my best friend's parents.  

A few months ago, as my semester at Northwest College was coming to a close, I was wondering how I was going to finish a project I had started.  How I was going to put the degree I received to good use.  I was living in Wyoming.  Looking around Wyo, Montana, Washington, wondering where and how I could begin my new career.  When, out of the blue, as I was on my way to Washington, my best friend's mom called and said, hey, if you are looking for work, you could come to Texas and search, we will have a room for you.

I thanked her, said I would keep it mind, and off I went.  A month later, I called her and said I would take her up on the offer of beginning a life in Texas, and by the way, I'm leaving two days from now.  Don't tell Misty, want to surprise her.

Scared to death, away from my security blanket of Wyo, I forged ahead, knowing that I had to leap to survive.

Enter I, into the world of Texas job search.  Nobody knows me here....  Nobody knows of my work ethic, or how I put everything I have into everything I have.  How I have balanced being a single mom, work three part-time jobs and go to school full-time, and still manage to lose 90 pounds. 

Competition here is fierce, I'm not used to not getting hired.  I started to get depressed when managers were  passing me over.  I began to drown in the unemployed-I'm-living-with-my-best-friend's-parents swirl of depression.

All my years of professional experience behind me--meaningless.  College degree--still trying to figure out a use for that one, won't get hired on my looks; this isn't Hollywood and I'm not Megan Fox.

That was how I felt in June.  Now it's July.

A lot can change in a month.  First off, my attitude.

Resumes that are done in college need to be upgraded and I graduated two years ago.  As I began to take a critical look at the job market in Texas, I realized the lingo and formatting of my resume was pretty much outdated.  A little creativity--and presto!! There was a resume revival going on in my laptop.  Music was pounding out, tongues were everywhere,  fonts were rollin' across the screen, there was even a 'fallin out' at one point.  Made it as outlandish as I could, then scaled it down from there.  

Took it into workforce, and the handsome job adviser helped me polish it off.  I suppose it could be even better.  Will have to ask him to critically look at it, but he may be tired of me pestering him.


Job searching is a whole career, there are centers, support groups, workshops, and websites dedicated to this opportunity in one's life.  The chance to be as much myself as I can possibly be.  There is no holding back.  I have to finagle and fight for every interview opportunity, every application, every phone call, every resume placed in a hiring manager's hand.  No more humbly putting myself last, and being reserved and conservative.  Time to polish up and play the game.  

My resume wasn't dead, dead.  Just mostly dead.  It's cheesy, but this is where I am at, right now....


btw--still dreaming big.  

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