Monday, July 16, 2012

More online applications.  Oy vey.  A young woman at Labor Ready told me today that in order to be considered for placement, I needed to go online and fill out the application.  So I went to Labor No such application for temps.  There is for employers.  *sigh*

I had a few more ideas today for job search.   More temp services, going back into Labor Ready and getting pushy.  Altho the people in there don't look like much help, they're all of about 19.  :)  Silly kids.  I really want to know why the people at the one temp place wouldn't test me.  I suppose I need to go back in and find out.

 One of the people I talked to while I was helping on a movie set the other day, said that she got her job because her best friend's mother got her on where she worked.  My best friend's mother doesn't have a job.

I've been considering a few new cover letter ideas.  Think I will start penning those now.

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