Friday, July 13, 2012

Today I spent my unemployed morning, filling out, yet another online application.  This one also included a 100+ question personality assessment.  *sigh*  Filling out the app, plus assessment takes a good 2 hours on average.  And I can type.  I mean like over 50 wpm.  It's ridiculous.

I spent a good two hours on Lowe's application.  First e-mail I opened this morning, a lovely rejection from them.

What does a rejection e-mail to do the psyche first thing in the morning?

Note to self:  Read Deepak Chopra or listen to Anthony Robbins before opening e-mail.

Texans are really good at polite rejection.  Bad news is better received when delivered with a smile and a twang.  Digital rejections just don't have the personality.  Think I will go and fill out some apps in person for awhile.  Makes the rejection seem more human.  Maybe take in a workshop for the unemployed friday afternoon matinee.

Hope there is one, I need the cheap entertainment.

I may have just written the best cover letter ever.  :)  For a car dealership.

Applied to four more places on Craig's List.  This online applying can get addicting.  Time to throw the laptop out the window and time for a little human contact.

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